Sigh. I know, nothing brings him back. Life goes on. It's a cruel reality that any of us could kick the bucket tomorrow and only an infinitesimal slice of humanity would even notice.
That's why you have to milk life for all it's worth... this is all we get!
At least riding a bike gives you some meditative time.
I rode alone on Saturday, cruising the dirt roads north of the Reservoir. My back was feeling good and the weather was fabulous. Then I saw these two girls off the side of the road with a flat tire, and as I approached, they both looked at me expectantly. So I knew they needed help, and I pulled over.
They were seriously an odd couple. The girl with the flat had a nice Trek road bike and some basic cycling clothing, and the other girl, in a tank top and ancient helmet, had a totally strange bike that I think was just an old ten-speed from the 1980s. She was also sporting enormous, 70s-era sunglasses with the gradient lenses. I almost got the feeling that were a real couple, if you know what I mean. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ;)
They couldn't get their mini-pump to work, so I took out my CO2 canister and inflated their tire. They both freaked out at how awesome that was, which was totally funny. Gotta love technology.
I finally stood up and at looked the sunglasses girl in the face, and mentally recoiled in shock. This girl, who looked no older than 20, maybe, had a BEARD. I am dead serious. She had many, many VERY dark hairs growing out of her face, that actually curled under the edge of her chin. I sure hope I didn't l let my feelings show, but I was a little taken aback. She was a pretty girl, and it just shocked me because it must have been a conscious decision on her part to leave the hair like that. I mean, she could pluck, shave, bleach, wax, depilate, or use any number of other methods to make those hairs disappear.
Yes, I wondered if she was actually a he, but she was well-endowed enough in both chest and hips to make that seem unlikely. Plus the hair was pretty sporadic, and at the same time, she had strangely pretty skin.
She must have people staring at them CONSTANTLY, you know? It's like the "mole" in the last Austin Powers movie. "Guaca- MO-LE!!!"
Maybe she's a student and it's a social experiment. She just goes out into the world and watches people freak out. That would be hilarious.
Then on Sunday I rode with my friend Catherine, who luckily chose not to break me, and we rode near the Rez again.
It was a really pleasant morning, and I actually got two hours in without any pain. You can see from the strange lump on my ass that I'm still having to wear my SI belt while riding. I bet when I rode away from the bearded girl , she said, "What the hell is wrong with that chick's butt?"
On another note, Akira and I have got a solid billiards addiction going. We've been playing every Monday night at the Foundry, which has free pool. The game reminds me of golf in that some days you're magically in The Zone, sinking balls left and right, and then other days you can't make the most dumb, obvious shot. It keeps you coming back, trying to redeem yourself.
My game has improved a great deal under Akira's coaching. He in turn was coached by a former professional pool player, who is now a mountain biking friend of ours. She instructed him to hold the cue loosely in your hand, "not like you're gripping your dick." Unfortunately, that instruction only made me want to hold the cue more tightly, ha ha.
If you ever want a rding buddy for a Sunday ride. Hit me up - . I prefer dirt over pavement and i've ridden way too much on the pavement this winter. More than i care to mention.
I haven't seen you since the Winter Park King of the Rockies Race. Hope all is well, and hope you are up for some good old mountain bike racing this summer.
Aaron (beth's roommate)
Hey Aaron,
thanks for the invite! But you probably don't want to ride with me, really... I am slower than a universal health care bill getting through Congress after my back injury. Let me get some damn fitness going and we'll talk. ;)
ah don't worry about the pace. i need to ride slowly for the next few weeks until I've got this knee problem all hashed out. All that matters is that i'm outside and pedaling with people who love dirt :) . Beth is too much of a roadie to love dirt so she only rides the pavement and stays away from the dirt whenever she can. I do a once a week ride with the girls from the shop at Heil, but they're usually in the mornings ond on the weekdays. Shoot me a email if you're game. Riding is fun for me no matter what it is (except of course those dang pavement rides).
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