However, one thing I was happy about was this assignment:

Noah Kloor, 14, a student at Boulder High School, has been turning his family home into a haunted house since he was seven years old. This year's theme is the "Killer Karnival."
This kid was great. He hammed it up for my photos, but otherwise was totally mature, funny, enthusiastic, and smart. He was very entertaining to talk to... he made my day. I thought it was pretty damn cool that he owns a life-size Jason AND a smoke machine.
A Halloween staple around here is the Headless Horseman. He rides around this one neighborhood, scaring schoolkids and waving at passing motorists. Due to the craptastic day I was having, this picture is not what it could be. But at least you can see what he looks like.

Now I think I'll go home and go straight to bed before anything else screwy happens. ;-)
I really hate to tell you this, because you won't do it, but it really works, although I have no idea how.
Buy a bag of oranges. Cheapos, doesn't matter. Take'em home. Wash'em. Get out the blender. Drop one in when it's on high. Puree the orange. Drink the orange - peel and all. There's natural alcohol in the peel, that'll help. The seeds will go right through. The chunks of peel will not bother you unless you have ready-to-die-from-it diverticulitis.
You'll hate me when you get about half of this down. You'll hate me even more when you finish the orange.
Take the next orange and puree it. Drink it all. Continue to do the oranges until the whole bag is gone. Yeah, you'll have gastrointestinal distress. And yet you won't puke from it, if you go slowly.
The pulp, rind, juice, and the entire effervescence of the oranges will infuse your system. You may have a slight touch of diarrhea, but it'll pass. (Sorry.) The next morning you'll feel MUCH better, and your cold should be mostly gone.
Now if that REALLY doesn't appeal to you, go to Wally World (WalMart) and buy a 500-count bottle of 1000 mg chunklets of Vitamin C, ascorbic acid. Do two of them for breakfast, two for mid-morning snack, two for lunch, two for mid-afternoon snack, two for dinner. Don't do any after dinner. Drink copious amounts of water, not pop and not coffee. Yep, you'll pee like crazy. But your cold will go, quickly, and you'll feel better, immediately. The stuff really works.
Am I overloading your comments section? My apologies.
whoa... that's some serious ingestion of Vit. C! thanks for the suggestion... I'll try it!
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