Instructors Dave Nash and Akira Yasuda and me, standing at Gemini Bridges during a Moab Dirt Camp a few years ago. Ahhh, the memories! I really, really miss Dirt Camps. I can't even express how much. Those days were the most fun and most fulfilling experiences of my life (along with a few special assignments for the paper). It's hard to explain to people why teaching mountain biking is so gratifying. Adults often don't make a point of learning new things, especially athletic things, and it is just SO cool to watch them ride things that they were convinced they could never do. They get these huge grins on their faces, and the cameraderie of the group makes the accomplishment even more rich. It gives these people, who are normally very busy with jobs, families, and other demands, a bit of time for themselves; and they take the renewed confidence back to other areas of their lives. Dirt Camp clients were always such cool people, so diverse, so interesting and funny.
I just have to work hard to help Akira and Dave bring RipStoke up to speed, so we can have camps like that again.
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