And don't worry, Beth -- I remember your place in Erie, and it's nowhere near the section that's practically in Nebraska. :-)
Anyhow, we did a story on dome homes, and this couple in Erie loves flying, so they bought this double-dome home --which everyone calls the Dolly Parton House -- right off the runway. And you guessed it: one of the domes holds their plane.
The house side:

The hangar:

It will come as no surprise to you that the house was built in 1978 (gee, what gave it away?) by another fly-happy pilot who wanted to taxi right out of his house and take off. I wonder if you just radio the air traffic controller from your driveway?
I thought the house was pretty ugly, to be honest, but I loved the concept. I want a house with a garage that leads right onto a zillion miles of singletrack. And it should have a power-wash chamber that you step into after riding that washes you AND the bike with zero effort. Sweet! Frank Lloyd Wright, eat your heart out.
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