Friday, April 17, 2009

The Golden Bike Race Series

It starts tomorrow at Sea Otter...keep your eyes peeled here for the results of this first hardcore smackdown involving all things gold.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finally, The Tent

I'm probably the last of the DC riders to get my tent up and running, but mine was damaged in shipping, so I had to wait for a replacement. It goes up quick and looks good! I'm already busy planning my race setup...wait until you see my "floor!" (Details to come...)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

One More Addition

Anything to keep me interested while I'm stuck doing this:

(Homer Simpson voice: "Bor-rriiiingg!!")

But it's certainly better than nothing, I'll tell you that. And we'll have some warm, dry weather back here soon. 

And for anyone who's interested, the name stickers can be had by contacting Victory Circle Graphics in Golden, Colorado.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

New Bling

The latest addition to my sweet ride. If this doesn't shame me into riding faster, I don't know what will.

I've got five weeks until my first race, and Jim Thomas of Texas already has a podium under his belt. Those folks at sea level have got it made for early season racing. Congrats, Jim!!!